gambia birding tour

Kiang West National Park: A Journey into Nature’s Heart​​​​​​​

kiang west national park

The largest and most important wildlife reserve in Gambia is the Kiang West National Park. In 1987 the park was announced as a national park which is managed by the Gambia Department of Parks and Wildlife Management.​​​​​​​ Location & Geography The Kiang West National Park covers an area of 115.26 square kilometres. The park is […]

Fathala Wildlife Reserve​​​​​​: Into the Heart of the Wild

Green Bee Eater

Fathala Wildlife Reserve is one of the safest animal reserves that is situated in the south of Senegal which is in the Fatick region between the border with Gambia and Toubacouta. It covers over 6000 hectares of original and protected forest, visitors can experience some of the Tourism is permitted over the area of 2,000 […]

Senegambian Stone Circles

senegambia stone circles

​​​​​​​Building spectacular monuments has been a fascination of mankind throughout recorded history. This is frequently accomplished by constructing something that is the biggest, highest, longest, priciest in the entire world. Even so, some less obtrusive monuments also represent remarkable architectural and technological achievement, although receiving far less attention. For instance, consider the Senegambian Stone Circles. […]